Budapest Declaration in IFHOH World Congress 2022
In this Issue:
Messages from the Editor and from the President.
Notice of IFHOH Biennial General Meeting (BGM).
Agenda of IFHOH BGM.
IFHOH Call for Nomination.
IFHOH Press Release:
International day of persons with disabilities.
3 December 2023.
Theme: “United in action to rescue and achieve the SDGs for, with and by persons with disabilities”.
In this Issue:
New from Europe, and from Asia Pacific.
World Hearing Day 2023 in the Philippines.
China Disabled Persons Federation.
CIICA (Cochlear Implants) Update
Ear and hearing care for all!
Over 60% of ear and hearing problems can be identified and addressed at the primary level of care.
Integrating ear and hearing care within primary care services, by training and capacity building for universal health coverage.
Live Text Access – next steps
EFHOH is hosting a webinar to present new online training for speech to text interpreters, following Live Text Access project.
The webinar is for speech to text interpreters, Organizations representing deaf and hard of hearing people, and anyone interested in the topic.
Monday 20 February, 19:30 - 21:00 (CET).
The Board of IFHOH categorically abhors war and is greatly concerned for safety and well-being of our fellow Ukrainians especially those with hearing disabilities in this time of crisis.
Enclosed are 3 supporting statements:
1. From IDA (International Disability Alliance) in which IFHOH is a member.
2. From EFHOH, which is a region of IFHOH.
3. From Zennancho (All Japan Association of HOH and late-Deafened People) which is a member of IFHOH.
IFHOH webinar
"Assistive Hearing Tech: Tips, Apps and More"
by Richard Einhorn - A musician and a hearing technology expert.
Friday - 17 December 2021
How to use your smartphone to hear better, how to better hear webinars, use captions on apps like Skype and Zoom, and how to better enjoy music.
Webinar Description and invitation
Webinar registration link

3-minutes speech
President of IFHOH, Dr. Ruth Warick
15th UN COSP
(Conference of States Parties)
to the UN CRPD
(Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability)
IHAC webinar
"The Future of Hearing Loops and New Digital Wireless Technologies for Hearing Aids"
22 June 2021
IFHOH is a member of IHAC (International Hearing Access Committee).
Come to learn about the new Bluetooth developments that will be incorporated in new hearing aids, and what is the best way to use new technologies in parallel to the existing technologies like the hearing loop.
Webinar Description and invitation
Webinar registration link
IFHOH Research Paper
"Access to Healthcare in Nepal for People who are Hard of Hearing"
October 2021